Join us for Defeat Hunger Games!
Who Can Participate?
We're often joined by people who have organized from:
Classes & Student Clubs
Academic Departments, Divisions of Student Affairs
Student Employees
Non-Profits & Community Organizations
Groups of all sizes are welcome.
Together, we will fight to end hunger!
How It Works
Each participating group constitutes a Team. Teams will will compete to collect the highest number of items from our Most Needed List, shared below.
Items will be tallied at the Student Union on October 21, and the winners will be announced by the end of the month. The group will be honored with a trophy, and recognized in Phoenix College media.
Steps & Key Dates
Deadline: Mon, Sept. 19 - Fri, Sept. 30
Organize your team, then Register Here.
Please stop by the Student Union to pick up a collection box after signing your team up.
Mon, Sept. 26 - Fri, Oct. 21.
Deadline: 3pm, Friday, October 21. (no exceptions)
All items must be delivered to Bumstead's Resource Room, inside the Student Union.
Donations provided after this time will be collected for student distribution, but won't apply to your team's score.
Mon, Oct. 31.
How is the Winner Determined?
Since teams of all sizes are welcome, the winner is determined by the average number of items collected, per person. Say, hypothetically, there are only two teams—Team A and Team B. Despite the headcount disparity, both managed to collect the same number of Most Needed items:
25 participants
250 items collected, average: 10 items per person
2 participants
250 items collected, average: 125 items per person
Team B wins...as they have the highest average, per person.
The Most Needed List:
choose your food weaponry wisely.
Please collect he following items:
Peanut Butter
Chicken Flavored Soup Cups, with Noodles
Breakfast Cereal
Baby Formula, or Baby Food
Canned Meat: Chicken, Fish
Instant Rice
Protein Bars
Protein Shakes
Granola Bars
Canned Fruit
Canned Soup
Macaroni & Cheese
Sauces, canned and jarred
Seasonings/Spices, in plastic jars
Feminine Hygiene Products
Can't Participate, but want to help?
Please Donate
We gladly accept monetary donations. Make a tax-deductible contribution here.
In the drop down menu of the Donation Designation Area, please select: "PC Food Resources - Fund 4873"
Volunteers Needed
Please consider volunteering from October 24 through October 28, as we organize the food and supplies gathered during the Drive. Reach out to Vashi Worley-Moore for details. Her contact information is below.
Dr. Vashi Worley-Moore, Senior Student Services Specialist
Call 602.285.7737, or email: vashi.worley@phoenixcollege.edu
This annual event is sponsored by Phoenix College Student Life & Leadership.