CAP User Guide

CAP User Guide


Thank you for agreeing to participate in the assessment of PC’s Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO). The following provides an overview of the 4 steps:

  1. Know your ILO’s: In 2019, Phoenix College adopted new Institutional Learning Outcomes. You will need to select one of these 5 ILO’s for the focus of your project.
  2. Identify a Signature Assignment: You will need to identify an assignment you give to students that aligns with your selected ILO.
  3. Score Your Assignment using a VALUE rubric: You will choose from a list of provided rubrics to score your students on your signature assignment.
  4. Enter your scores into the campus assessment portal (CAP): Your student scores will be entered into the CAP system using a link we provide you.

How will your assessment data be used?

Assessment data is summarized in aggregate and allows PC to have a campus snapshot of where our students are in terms of our 6 institutional learning outcomes. The data can answer questions such as “Which ILO’s are regularly assessed by faculty (and which are not)?” “On which general education outcomes do our students show strengths or weaknesses?” “How do students in 100 level courses compare with students in 200 level courses?” Information gained from this overview can be used to inform campus decision-making, professional development offerings, and the improvement of our educational practices.
Assessment data is not an evaluation of an individual faculty or staff member.

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