Checking Out Materials

Check Out Materials

. . . if you are enrolled in Phoenix College classes; your library account is tied to both your Cub Card (student I.D.) and your MEID (Maricopa Enterprise IDentification).  Cub Cards may be obtained in the Hannelly Center Building (HC).

. . . if you are a student at any of the MCCCD colleges, please identify your MEID and be prepared to show picture I.D. (can be your college I.D. or state-issued photo I.D.)

. . . if you are a PC faculty or staff member, your employee I.D. card and MEID are used for your library account.

. . . if you are a PC graduate, you may obtain an Alumni I.D. card at the Office of Alumni & Development in the Osborn Center East building (OSE, Flower St & 11 Ave.) and you will need to reactivate your MEID.

. . . if you are a member of our community, you may ask staff at the Circulation Desk to help you create a Community Member account. 

. . . that may be checked out at one time

Students: 20 items (includes up to 5 non-books), unlimited holds
Faculty and Staff: 20 items (unlimited non-books), unlimited holds
Alumni: 10 items (includes up to 3 non-books), 5 holds
Community Borrowers: 5 items (includes up to 3 non-books), 5 holds
(policies subject to change)


  • Course Reserves material may be used by PC students and PC faculty ONLY  (exception: if the instructor specifies otherwise)..
  • "Faculty Use Only" materials may be used by students In Library Only.
  • Special Collection materials may be used In Library Only.  User will need to have a MCCCD student ID, non-students an active Community Borrower account or active Alumni account.        
  • Other exceptions to above policies need Library Director approval.


Books: 28 days
Non-Books: 7 days
(policies subject to change)


  • Course Reserves check out period is 2 hours/In Library Use Only (unless advanced notice by instructor)
  • Non-PC Faculty check out period for Faculty Use Only materials is two days.
  • Other exceptions to above policies need Library Director approval.


Generally, 1 renewal is allowed.


  • If another patron has placed a request on the item, there will be no renewal.
  • If library account has $100.00 or more in unpaid bills.
  • If item is 28 or more days overdue.
  • Usually no renewal on Interlibrary Loan borrowed outside the MCCCD library system.
  • No renewals on Course Reserves material.

    (must wait at least one hour after returning a Course Reserve item before checking out same item again in order to provide an opportunity for other students to use the material)
  • Other exceptions to above policies need Library Director approval.

Material may be renewed in person at the Library Circulation Desk, by telephone 602-285-7473, or online.

To renew online, connect to the Library Catalog and select My Account. A valid active MEID is required. For further instructions, call the Circulation Desk (602-285-7473).


  • Course Reserves: $.50 per hour per item up to $50.00. Fines begin immediately after the due time. Material will be considered lost 2 days after item due date.
  • Interlibrary Loan: $.10 per day minimum, amount may vary depending on the Lending Library's policy.
  • Students, Alumni and Community Borrowers may not check material out of the library if they owe $100.00 or more in Course Reserve Fines, processing fees, or have lost material.

Money owed may be paid online at  Click View Charges or Make a Payment.

Unresolved charges may restrict class registration and acquiring transcripts.
If you have questions regarding library fines added to your account you may contact Angela Briseno, 602-285-7626 or Jennifer Whitt, 602-285-7480

Books 28 days overdue and non-books 14 days overdue will be considered lost. The cost of the item will be billed to the borrower's school record.

Borrower has 90 days from date item becomes lost to return material and have debt reversed.  After 90 days, lost items will be required to be paid, whether returned or not.

Refund will not be issued for paid lost material if returned 90 days or more after item becomes lost.

Payment may be made online in My.Maricopa Student Center or at the Student Business Services (bring payment receipt to library to ensure debt is removed from library record).

Unresolved charges may restrict class registration and acquiring transcripts.

If you have questions regarding library charges for lost or damaged items that have been added to your account you may contact Angela Briseno, 602-285-7626 or Jennifer Whitt, 602-285-7480


  • Course Reserves: material will be considered lost 2 days after item due date (cost of item)
  • Course Reserves: on the 7th day after the item becomes lost, the cost of the item will be required to be paid, whether returned or not; this will be in addition to a $50.00 overdue fine.
  • No refund or reversals will be issued.