HESI-A2 Review Workshop

HESI-A2 Review Workshop

The Learning Commons provides videos and study materials to help prepare you for the HESI-A2 Exam

HESI-A2 review materials are provided for pre-nursing students to improve their chances of passing the HESI-A2 exam, which is an admission requirement for MCCCD nursing programs. HESI-A2 review materials are offered online. These materials cover general test-preparation and test anxiety; English and reading comprehension; vocabulary and grammar; and basic math skills. HESI-A2 workshops are open to all students and community members. PC and Maricopa students can also receive free tutoring on HESI-A2 materials after attending a workshop.

Online HESI Preparation

To request access to HESI-A2 review materials, please contact the Learning Commons at learningcommons@phoenixcollege.edu.

In-Person HESI Workshop

Friday, March 7, 2025 
9am - 1:45pm
Click the button below to register.
If you have questions please email learningcommons@phoenixcollege.edu.

Sign-up for this Workshop HERE